With summer now officially here, it might be good to take advantage of the season and warmer weather and identify some Slower Pace activities for enjoyment and fulfillment. Below are some from my list:
- buy some Bomb Pops (red, white, and blue popsicles) for the freezer to pull out on a really hot day
- sit by the pool under the umbrella with a good book
- take the kids to get some ice cream
- take a walk outside right after a summer rainstorm
- sit on the porch and watch the lightning bugs
- get up early in the morning and just listen to the birds and watch the sun rise
- take the family to a baseball game
- lie on one of my wife’s quilts on a clear night and watch the stars
I’m sure y’all have some of your own. Please add them below in your comments.
What’s on your Slower Pace bucket list this summer?
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net