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While traveling last week, I heard a cool bit on KLOVE as I was getting ready for the day. It was three things you can say to your kids.

They were:

  • Do you need a hug?
  • Do you want to talk about it?
  • I’m so happy to see you.

As soon as I returned home, I started with the last one.

See link here —

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Salvation stories and testimonies can be powerful. The link below is an interesting read. Whether it is the stories in the Bible of unlikely heroes — the sold to slavery boy turned into Pharaoh’s right hand man, the puny youngest son David transformed into a king after God’s own heart, or the poverty stricken virgin Mary giving birth to our Saviour Jesus — or a modern day version of redemption, God specializes in taking the broken, the powerless, the prideful, the unpopular or the least of these and redeeming, loving, healing and saving them into His kingdom to reveal His glory and mercy.

While my testimony is not so spectacular, I am thankful God, in His everlasting mercy, grace and love, redeemed me through Christ.

Read the story here —

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I saw this video at an Emmaus gathering. It is so simple and yet so profound. I promise it will make you smile. Enjoy!

The singer/songwriter’s site can be found at

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I am traveling on business and yesterday sure was long. Up at 4am east coast time so I could make a 6am flight to Atlanta only to be delayed. In 5 hours, I sure got to know the Atlanta airport well. I spent time in the chapel praying (terminal E), perused through the cool art displays (also in term E), got a mini-workout in by walking the underground tunnels instead of taking the trains, and actually ate breakfast AND lunch at the airport (Chick-Fil-A and Moe’s respectively). When I arrived in San Francisco, it was already a long day and I still had a meeting or two to check off my list. So an early dinner and early bed time were my final targets. I was in bed at 8pm and probably asleep within seconds.

I arose 10 hours later refreshed and ready to take on today. And as sleep refreshes us for each day, I was reminded how Jesus refreshes our life. This came to me during my morning workout which was a brisk walk in the 50F dark morning combined with my iPod praise music. And because I was walking very early during pre-business hours on the manicured commercial building sidewalks and parking lots, no one was around. So I sang along to my music — Jeremy Camp, Tree63, Tenth Avenue North, Aaron Shust — as I walked along. I couldn’t hear me because of my earbuds and no one else could either. It made for a wonderful workout and mini-praise session — the perfect way to start out the morning.

On my way in to the hotel I grabbed a banana and some yogurt as a pre-breakfast before my Jamba Juice. I enjoyed it during my morning devotions in Romans 12:14-21 and then read today’s Max Lucado which really hit home. I am copying it below as well as linking to it.

When my daughter, Jenna, was little I often took her to a park near our home. One day as she played in a sandbox, I bought her ice-cream, but when I turned to give it to her, her mouth was full of sand. Where I had intended to put a delicacy, she had put dirt. Did I love her with dirt in her mouth?  Absolutely. Was I going to allow her to keep the dirt in her mouth? No way!  I loved her where she was, but I refused to leave her there.  Why?  Because I love her.

God does the same for us.  “Spit out the dirt, honey,” our Father urges. “I’ve got something better for you.” “I can eat dirt if I want to!” we pout and proclaim.  We can.  But if we do, the loss is ours.  God has a better offer.  He wants us to be just like Jesus!

“Create in me a pure heart, God, and make my spirit right again.” (Psalm 51:10 NCV).

The visual really hit home and our recurring persistence to “eat dirt” doesn’t surprise me.

Have a blessed day! I know I will.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Our country would be so much better off if we ripped the script from this commercial and applied it directly to every single person, entity, business, and gov’t agency immediately.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Back when I got my first job, my boss had a good quote that actually came to the front of my memory this morning.

“Weekends are like ice cream. There are some flavors that are better than others, but there is no bad ice cream.”

That wise quote continues to be true many decades later.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I heard an impactful quote last night during my Emmaus men’s walk formation.

“God doesn’t call the equipped;
He equips the called.”

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

40 years ago today, our country was at a crossroads. We chose evil when the Supreme Court legalized the murder of innocent, unborn babies. It is not a reason to celebrate.

This morning I broke with my normal Friday routine, and instead joined other prayer warriors in front of the infantacide factory downtown. There was definitely spiritual warfare going on — many cold hearts matched by the frigid temperature of 15F. However, “with God, all things are possible”. I hope that just as Noah after 40 days of rain found hope, just as the Israelites after 40 years of wandering found the promised land, just as Jesus after 40 days of temptation found relief, that we as a nation after 40 years of over 50 MILLION dead will find innocent life as valued and protected.

This video is a very impactful illustration of the horror our country as endured in the name of “choice”…..which, interestingly, only leads to death.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Gov’t humor stuff just keeps getting better and better. Unfortunately, it’s funny because it’s true.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Got this one from Dad…..

In the coming New Year, 2013, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union
address will occur on the same day. This is an ironic juxtaposition of events.
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature
of little intelligence for prognostication. The other involves a groundhog.

I would add that both a groundhog and Congress are in the rat family.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net