Archive for the ‘Inspirational’ Category

While my daughter, R, was serving on the Chrysalis youth support team this week, she also gave one of the many talks that lead and build the Chrysalis caterpillars faith journey with Christ. R has a God given gift of public speaking and communication. She has done several sermons at our old church and is now sharing her perspective with her Chrysalis talk.

I am humbled and privileged to be the dad to such a wise and mature woman of Christ. She is beyond her years in spiritual maturity and is grounded in Christ far beyond what I was at her age. I pray that she continue to be used to share the love of Christ. Below is her talk:

Last summer I went on a trip to Virginia Beach with my youth group. On our last night there we went out to eat. After dinner our youth leader surprised us with a challenge. We were split into groups of three. Each group was given five dollars. Here was the challenge: with five dollars we were to go out and do something kind for people we did not know. In other words we were to perform random acts of kindness to complete strangers.

I remember the group I was in really wanted to stretch our five dollars to try and reach out to as many individuals as possible. First we bought about a dozen lollipops to give out to people. Our first attempt to give out a lollipop kind of failed. After all, we were strangers giving out free candy. But we put a smile on our faces and tried not to be discouraged. I remember there was one girl who was working as a vendor. She had a hurt leg and we were told she had been standing there literally all day. When offered a lollipop, a huge smile appeared on her face. She said that made her day. Seeing smiles appear on these people’s faces made me smile. I was glad I could bring a little more joy to someone’s day.

The next thing we did was buy a few postcards and a pen. On the postcards we wrote encouraging messages such as “smile, Jesus loves you.” We put the postcards in random places as we walked like a statue or ledge for example. We stuck the remaining postcards we had on the windows of cars in a parking garage.

We now had around a dollar left. After some discussion, we decided to buy a necklace. I forget what it looked like but I’m pretty sure the necklace had some spiritual reference. We wrote a note on a post-it, stuck it on the back of the newly purchased necklace, said a prayer, then gave it to the cashier asking her to give it to customer whom she thought might need it.

All that was left of our five dollars was change. We divided that up and each of us held a very small amount of money in our hand. We dropped the coins one by one on our walk back to the car. As I dropped each coin, I said I little prayer for the person that might find that one penny, nickel, or dime.

While I never saw the faces of the people who received the postcards, necklace, or coins, I hope that maybe just maybe my random actions of kindness might help them in some way or brighten their day. Just like in life people come and people may go. It’s your words and actions however that can leave a lasting impression and possibly be what that person needs- whether you know it or not. A simple loving action from a selfless heart can plant a seed in someone. And we all know with a little help and care a seed can grow.

My name is R and the title of this talk is Christian Action.

Just like prayer and study, action is just as important to your spiritual growth. Christian action is the third leg that completes the tripod. This tripod you’ve been hearing about represents what we, as Christians, should be doing in order to fly and spread the love of Christ. Through prayer you offer your heart, through study you offer your mind, and through action you offer your body to Christ. Christ wants you to be an example of Him through your actions.

Christian action is being the hands and feet of Christ; it is allowing Christ to act through us. Everyday you have the opportunity to reach out. Sometimes you just have to open your eyes a little bit more to those chances. I have learned that the greatest accessory I can have is a smile. A simple smile can show care, love, and above all happiness. And often times a smile is contagious. It is also the simple actions that can show care such as holding a door for someone or saying hi as you walk by.

I hope you realize that you don’t have to wait to go on a mission trip or be with a youth group to be Christ-like. While mission trips and youth groups are awesome, Christian action starts where you are. Christ told us to love our neighbors and that doesn’t just mean the people who live next door, nor does it mean to only love your family or specific friends. Just as we all work together as the body of Christ, we must learn to love and help those in need. Being a good neighbor means treating everyone equally. We are all God’s children; we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. In our daily lives one way to show love is by being a Christian friend, so set that example. Continue to be there for friends that you already have, but also be a friend to those who might be lonely. You never know what someone may be going through, so talk to them. You could be the one who plants that seed and helps them grow towards Christ.

I have had the wonderful opportunity of planting seeds in people while on mission trips here in Kentucky. It is so cool to see someone come to Christ. On these mission trips I’ve helped replace whole roofs. During this five-day process of tearing down, rebuilding, and replacing the homeowner is overwhelmed and often tears come to their eyes. They can’t believe that a team of young adults, teenagers, gave up a week of their summer to give them a new roof and asked for nothing in return. Often we pray with the homeowner and have a daily devotional. It is through this way the homeowner may ask about our faith and want to know more. Know that just because you’re young doesn’t mean you’re unable to share your story. As youth, you still have the ability to inspire other people. 1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Let no man despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

As Christians we are to pass the love that has grown in us from Christ to others. We can only do that if we live out loud, we can’t just exist. So be active in your everyday life. 1 John 3:18 says, “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.”

I know in my life my dad has been an example of Christian love and Christian action from the beginning. When I was still a baby, my biological father died of cancer. I call him my daddy in heaven. When I was four, my mom remarried to a wonderful man I call my dad. He accepted me and loved me just the same. At the wedding I was the flower girl and he gave me a little gold necklace, which reads “Daddy’s Little Girl”. In second grade he adopted me and I was officially a ‘family member’. My dad is very strong in his faith and is not afraid to show it. He is always helping others in the church, at home, at work, basically wherever he goes. Everywhere my family travels, he is always finding someone to talk to. I’ve heard many stories of how he met someone and had the chance to talk faith with them. It’s quite amazing how many encounters he’s had with that kind of opportunity.

One thing my dad has done in the past is eat a meal with a homeless person. Instead of offering them money he will offer to them a nice meal and eat with them. As you may have noticed this offers a good opportunity to talk and learn a little about someone. During the meal my dad will chat with this person. He might even end up getting the chance to talk about faith in some aspect. But the main point is he treats this person as a true child of God.

I can definitely learn from my dad’s example. He shines his light on others and I’m sure his actions have helped many. My dad has also shown me that Christ is everywhere. He has helped me to learn that the people are the church, not the building.

My dad is among many people whom with I share a Christ-like relationship with. It is in these relationships where my Christian action is helped to stay encouraged. You see, I have not always been this much-set on fire to share the love of Christ with others. In fact, I only began going to church regularly about five years ago. When I was younger, I only remember going to church a couple times out of the year. I never went to Sunday school mainly because I didn’t want to and thought you needed a vast knowledge of the Bible. I knew there was a God, He was born in a manger, died on a cross, and has been risen from the grave. I thought life was pretty good. Then when I was eleven my family moved from southern California to Kentucky. You can imagine my joy. Not long after the move my family decided we would start going to church on Sundays. After getting into the habit of our new Sunday routine and had been attending Sunday school regularly now, my interest in the Bible slowly began to grow. I wanted to know more about my Jesus. The summer before I started high school was when I went on my first mission trip and had the most amazing time. I think that’s when I was first set on fire for the Lord. Life was no longer just good; it was wonderful and had amazing purpose!

Over the years I’ve created strong friendships within my youth group. This past school year the Lord has also brought some amazing people into my life that encourage me. These friends have helped me grow so much. They have such a positive influence in my life. It is their love for Christ which makes them shine and whenever I see or talk with them a little bit of their light shines on me, giving me the love I need to make it through any difficulty I may be experiencing. The thing that sets these friendships apart from other friendships I’ve had is that we all share a strong love for the Lord. The relationships that have helped me grow are also the ones that keep me going and remind me to live for Christ.

Is there anyone in your life who is a shining example of Christ’s love? More importantly, are you an example of Christ’s love to others? Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Your actions can speak louder than your words. God has given you each an amazing gift- His love. Are you going to share that gift with others through your kind actions? Let me tell you, the Lord has set me on fire for Him and I cannot keep His love to myself. It is far too great to hold it all inside. I want people to know and experience and feel his love, just as I have. But know this; in order for you to truly be Christ in action, you must first have Christ in your heart. You must let Him in and let Him consume you.

If you are a flashlight, then Christ is part of the inner workings that help empower you. And for any flashlight to turn on, it needs batteries. As Disciples of Christ we need two, one battery is called prayer and the other is study. Sound familiar? Without these two batteries the flashlight won’t turn on. But with these two batteries charged the power of Christ can flow through you. When Christ empowers you, it can be easy for others to see your light. Just remember not to shine too brightly. Christ loves everyone the same and we are all His children. Shine just enough for others to see, but don’t blind them.

Like I mentioned earlier, you must want others to know the love of Christ in their lives. Think about all of your friends. Do they truly know the love of Christ? Have you been a shining example to them?

I have these four friends who are all sisters. They are wonderful girls and are some of the sweetest friends I know. However, their family is not religious. My heart yearns for them to know Christ. Whenever I see them, I am the Christian friend as I usually try to be. I can hope my Christian action may spark something in them. I have never really talked about Jesus with them, but they know I am a Christian. I pray someday they might ask or the opportunity would come up where we could talk. I don’t want to be pushy about it or make them feel uncomfortable, so I pray for them. You shouldn’t force Christ on another person. Jesus is everywhere and already in other people’s lives. Christian action is respectful. We are to love and share and let God do the rest. We are to also be accepting. You shouldn’t judge someone or assume they don’t already have a relationship with God. Yet be sensitive to someone’s needs. Also be excited to hear about someone else’s experience with God. Likewise, you should share your stories too.

To help pass on the love of Christ, there are three easy steps you can follow. They are make a friend, be a friend, and bring your friend to Christ. You can make a friend anywhere- at school, at work, in your church, in your community, even when you’re on summer vacation. Remember that this person is a child of God, a unique creation. You should be kind and accepting. Love this person for who they are. And remember to smile. Nothing can be more friendly than a kind face.

Be a friend. After you’ve made a friend, keep that connection. And I don’t mean to just act friendly, really be a friend. Be there for your friend whenever they may need someone. Stand by them. Talk to them, and when you ask the question “How are you?” really mean it. Be caring. Introduce your friend to the ultimate best friend- Jesus Christ. Share with them the one who inspires you and is your joy. Share with them the reason for your Christian action. Keep in mind though that sometimes God will use you to plant a seed in someone and the harvest will be brought in later. While you may not see the results of your planting, you can definitely see the beginnings. Know that God will continue to guide that person which you helped plant a seed in.

So ladies, I challenge you to be the light the world needs. Remember to pack the right batteries of prayer and study and know that Jesus can always recharge your batteries; all you have to do is ask Him. Don’t be afraid to shine your light. Share with others the power source behind your light. With Jesus on your side you have nothing to fear and with God all things are possible. Be bold as you fly. Turn your flashlight on so others can see the light of Christ.

There is a song by Lifehouse called “Everything”. One of the lines in the lyrics is

“how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
would you tell me how could it be any better than this.”

Those words are so true. How can you know the truth, which is Jesus Christ, and not be moved? How can you not be moved by the ultimate act of love, Jesus? My hope is that all of you will be moved by Jesus and that He moves you so much you feel the passion inside you to show someone else the love of Christ.

Colossians 3:12-17 says what we, as disciples in action are to do. “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Fly with Christ

Be inspired, be obedient and be of action.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

The blog post title does not refer to getting back to work because today is Monday and most people depart from the weekend to get back to their day jobs. It is a nod towards yesterday’s Father’s Day. You see, all those accolades, thank you’s, love, acknowledgement and all around gratitude is usually a result of effort, toil, tough love, leadership, hard decisions, life lessons, and discipline that make up a good dad’s life. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are also the throwing of the baseball, the swimming with the kids, the building of sofa cushion forts and what not. But the nuts and bolts of it is hard, determined, consistent work that usually goes unnoticed and unappreciated…..until about 20 years later.

So this post is an encouragement for all dads and fathers to put away the cards and gifts from yesterday and get back to the tough, but most important job of raising your kids. You cannot and must not fail at this task. Put it at the top of your “to do” list — both at home AND at work. It is a huge challenge but I know you are up to it.

Now get out there and be engaged, loving and accountable in leading your family.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Spending the next 2 minutes and 41 seconds to watch this video will probably be one of the best things you will spend your time on today. Guys, fathers, dads — man up and click on the vid.

This video was played during the intro to last night’s message at church. It was extremely impactful – both this video and the sermon which is why I choose the blog post title I did. The message cut deep to a man’s heart and challenged him to do the things he needs to do to lead his family in a Godly way.

The link is not on their website yet. However, I am posting the general sermon list link and highly encourage you to either watch it online or download their sermon podcasts.

And to my own Dad…..Happy Father’s Day! Thanks for all you have done that was invisible, gone unnoticed or was behind the scenes. Those were probably some of the most impactful decisions and actions you had.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Today is my folks’ 45th anniversary. I shouldn’t have to write anything else about it. The number should say it all. With a large number of marriages these days choosing divorce, I am in admiration of couples that can begin to quantify their marriage in multiples of decades. THAT is dedication. THAT is true love. THAT is taking the marriage vow and covenant seriously.

And I am lucky because of their commitment to stay together. Not only as a child – to have the security, consistency, reliability and stability of a loving two parent home. But also as an adult as a model for marriage, love, commitment and fortitude.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! May your marriage union continue to be blessed, upheld and centered in Christ.

For those who are having trouble in their marriage and hope to see a 45th anniversary some day, here are a few resources:

Fireproof – The Movie

Fireproof Couple Resources

Fireproof Your Marriage

Marriage 911

Christian Counseling of Mansfield

Focus on the Family – Free Marriage Booklets

Crosswalk Christian Resources

Christian Marriage Today

Marriage Rocks

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

A great one passed away today. John Wooden, may you rest in peace and cherish the positive impact you had on many, whether through education, sports or life itself.

There are many good Wooden quotes out there, but I think this one is my favorite.

“Material possessions, winning scores, and great reputations are meaningless in the eyes of the Lord, because He knows what we really are and that is all that matters.”

And why is it that when someone of questionable character dies, it is plastered all over the media? But when a solid citizen, coach, husband and leader dies, you have to hunt for the story. Our society’s focus is completely out of whack.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Today is a very special day. While Thanksgiving and 4th of July are my favorite holidays in terms of celebration, Easter and Memorial Day are the most hallowed holidays because of the significance and sacrifice they represent.

The saying goes — “Only two people have ever died for you — Jesus Christ died for your sins, and the American soldier died for your freedom.”

And so today I pledge to make this more than just a day off of work. More than a three day weekend. More than being on the lake. More than store sales and shopping. More than hot dogs and ice cream. More than picnics with the family. More than a Facebook status. More than just flying my flag at half staff.

And so I took the family to a local Memorial Day flag ceremony. There were several in our local area and we decided to go to the one at the Patriots Peace Memorial which began at noon. There was a decent gathering of people to show support. Veterans in uniform were present to preside and participate in the ceremony. I felt very good about the people there and that my family was there as an act of public support as well as for my kids to see how important it is to give back to your country and community. I pushed both K and D out of their shells and encouraged them each to go up to any two uniformed personnel and to shake their hand and say thank you.

The ceremony was respectful, honorable, ritualistic and heartfelt. During the ceremony, two additional names were enshrined into the memorial — Private Adrien Augustin and Petty Officer 2nd Class Monica Beacham. Both died while serving our country in uniform and their loved ones were presented the glass bricks which bear their names to be placed into the memorial. The bagpipes played “Amazing Grace” as they all walked into the memorial. Finally, “Taps” was bugled out to end the ceremony.

This was the first time I had ever taken the time out of my Memorial Day to actually visit a ceremony (I am ashamed to say it). It will now be a part of my honoring ritual every year to show respect for those living and dead who have sacrificed in serving our great country. I would encourage every one of you to put down the hot dog and put aside the shopping trips to go out of your way and find a local ceremony to attend. It means much to those uniformed servicefolk who selflessly serve day in and day out to protect our country and way of life.

Thank you to all those in uniform who have sacrificed and died while serving this land!

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I came across two questions today that were very thought provoking.

1. Are you on the path to heaven?

2. Are you enjoying the journey?

Personally, I can answer a confident “YES” to each. I pray the same for you.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I am traveling again and spending some time going over some notes from the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast that I attended earlier this month (where I hinted about it on this post).

The quote below came from a pre-recorded interview with Tony Dungy. And while he is a great coach who has accomplished much, I like him even more after seeing this interview because he has nailed the balance, humility and service of what life is supposed to be.

Talent is God given,
be thankful.
Praise is man given,
be humble.
Conceit is self given,
be careful.

Also, go check out his resourceful website —

Hopefully, more to come.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

One of my Facebook friends posted this image and I thought I would steal it as material while I travel. There are some great reminders on this list.

The only other item I would add is Love like Jesus!

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Thank you Lord for the drudgery of Monday. It reminds us how good we have it and that not everyone is as blessed as we are.

Thank you Lord for the doldrums of Tuesday. They are a mirror of life and remind us to rely upon You.

Thank you for the milestone of Wednesday. It is halfway through the week and reminds us that you are always with us — beginning, middle and end.

Thank you for the optimism of Thursday. While it is not Friday yet, it is so close and reminds us of the nearness of Your kingdom.

Thank you for the excitement of Friday. Enough said.

Thank you for the fun of Saturday. It is what adds immense flavor to our lives.

Thank you for the worship and rest of Sunday. It is what mends us, replenishes us, and brings us closer to you.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net