Archive for the ‘Links ‘n Stuff’ Category

For a while now I have been listening to my local Christian radio station, WJIE. Their positive, spiritual music has changed my attitude, my perspective and my demeanor. They have a wonderful mission of spreading the Gospel through music and I am a huge fan and supporter. Their Christmas card is even on our refrigerator. And they are not only a radio station but have also been involved in the community putting on such events at the Slugger Field Baseball and Concert Day, the annual Sweetheart dinner, multiple Christian concerts, and fundraisers for worthy charities such as Edge Outreach and missions to Haiti.

Well, today is their 23rd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WJIE!!!!!

If you are in the greater Louisville, tune your radio to 88.5 FM for a positive change to your day. And for those of you who aren’t in Kentucky, you can stream them over the internet and listen on your computer at

FYI — WJIE stands for Where Jesus Is Exalted.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

This is pretty cool. Dogs are a man’s (and elephant’s) best friend.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Communication in this day and age is so many things.

  • Important
  • Overused
  • Drowning
  • Complex
  • Saturated
  • Lacking

Add the word “effective” into communication and it changes those adjectives.

  • Needed
  • Essential
  • Dynamic
  • Critical
  • Impactful

While there is constantly communication all around us, the world is yearning for messages of substance. The short video below is a beautiful and elegant message that is effective in getting its message across in the sea of media that surrounds us every day.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

One of my favorite Christian groups, Casting Crowns, not only has a fairly new album out, but they also have a great spiritual video series available for free viewing on Youtube. Here is the first one — go check it out.

Mark Hall (on the video) also recently wrote a great book called “Your Own Jesus”. If you are ready for a challenging, “take it to the next level” read on your walk with Jesus, go get this book and plow into it. It is a convicting book, but it will rattle your spiritual world and healthily challenge and grow you.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I recently saw this very cool educational animation video and it really breaks down some preconceived notions on the typical corporate carrot/stick behavior. I encourage you to watch it…..but only if you are A) in management or B) a worker bee.

By the way, it looks like there are quite a few cool educational animations from the same folks on YouTube. I’m gonna spend some more time checking them out.

And for any of you reading this from my last company, pay very close attention around minute 9:00. If that doesn’t smack you straight between the eyes, I don’t know what will. The emperor has no clothes.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Today is my folks’ 45th anniversary. I shouldn’t have to write anything else about it. The number should say it all. With a large number of marriages these days choosing divorce, I am in admiration of couples that can begin to quantify their marriage in multiples of decades. THAT is dedication. THAT is true love. THAT is taking the marriage vow and covenant seriously.

And I am lucky because of their commitment to stay together. Not only as a child – to have the security, consistency, reliability and stability of a loving two parent home. But also as an adult as a model for marriage, love, commitment and fortitude.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! May your marriage union continue to be blessed, upheld and centered in Christ.

For those who are having trouble in their marriage and hope to see a 45th anniversary some day, here are a few resources:

Fireproof – The Movie

Fireproof Couple Resources

Fireproof Your Marriage

Marriage 911

Christian Counseling of Mansfield

Focus on the Family – Free Marriage Booklets

Crosswalk Christian Resources

Christian Marriage Today

Marriage Rocks

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I am traveling again and spending some time going over some notes from the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast that I attended earlier this month (where I hinted about it on this post).

The quote below came from a pre-recorded interview with Tony Dungy. And while he is a great coach who has accomplished much, I like him even more after seeing this interview because he has nailed the balance, humility and service of what life is supposed to be.

Talent is God given,
be thankful.
Praise is man given,
be humble.
Conceit is self given,
be careful.

Also, go check out his resourceful website —

Hopefully, more to come.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I have been in San Francisco on business travel all week. I am currently sitting at my favorite hub airport – DFW – at a free internet terminal catching up.

While perusing my Facebook page, a friend posted that Google is celebrating the 30th anniversary of PacMan with a nod to the iconic video game on its home page. And what’s even cooler, it is a fully functioning PacMan game. Now while most of y’all know I am not a Google fan due to what I perceive as severe privacy concerns, I would encourage you to go check it out a play a game or two. See if you can beat my high score of 17801.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that geekness is one of my traits. It goes way back to early high school with Apple II, Atari (with cassette tape program loading), learning BASIC programming on Commodore 64s, college work with Lotus, a brief artwork stint with the first Macintoshes, designing and instructing computer training for Windows and DOS, business systems and mainframe work, and side entrepreneurial work in wireless, security, and web design. So computers and I go way back for more than half my life.

I am also an early adopter. For example, I bought my first DVR back in 2000, went filmless in 2002, had a home wired and wireless network in 1999, and bought my first PDA/handheld organizer in 1997. I routinely have tech/geek projects around the house that my wife puts up with. A couple of the more successful ones on top of my early adoption efforts are a whole house music server and a terabyte RAID server and backup routine for family pictures, videos, music and documents.

One interest I have always had but not had the time, effort, or expertise to tackle is with Linux, specifically using it as a replacement for my day to day computer system. It’s one thing to have it on a server or to use it on a specialty PC. But it’s another to embrace it for your day to day tasks. Previous inquiries into this effort revealed that Linux wasn’t “ready for the masses” or public consumption. The entry level tech barrier was huge in that you needed to know Unix or command line. There were also driver and peripheral challenges. And finally, there weren’t a lot of software options once you got Linux installed on a computer. All of those tend to turn off 99% of the general public who don’t want to mess with the geek aspects of it.

I am here to say that all of that is over. There are several Linux “distros” or distributions that can suffice for your normal day to day computing needs and effectively replace the Windows or Mac operating systems you use. The one I loaded this weekend is called ubuntu. It is packaged on a single CD and installs in about 15 or 20 minutes onto your PC. It does not require a level of geekness more than Windows or Mac and allows you a clean install of a desktop operating system packaged with some basic programs most of us use every day such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, internet browser, email, DVD/video watching, music listening and photo browsing and organizing to name a few. These all come included and are also in the software’s “auto update” manager that provides current releases, patches and fixes. And because Linux is open source, the selection of software available has ballooned to include almost anything you can think of – at least anything that can rival commercial “paid for” software. Unless you are unbinding DNA molecules or producing a proprietary 3D video, almost all of your software needs should be met. Oh, and did I mention that all of this is FREE? And on top of all that, the software tends to be more robust and more secure than your commercial variety operating systems.

I would highly recommend giving ubuntu or one of the other Linux distros a try. You can get ubuntu and other information at

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I have come across a really nice parenting web site that gives great guidance on teens and your relationship with them. Below is a recent quote from one of their periodic emails:

Time and stability are needed commodities as the teen works through their issues. They need the steadying influence of their parents, who can help them sort it all out. It’s no time to lessen the boundaries or back down on the rules. Having those in place will provide the structure the teen needs, though they may seem to want just the opposite.

Go check them out at

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net