I have been a regular blood donor for over two decades — since 1990. It has always been something that I do that I know has a positive impact on others. I know the precious life giving power blood gives someone who needs it. And it such a simple, selfless act that really anybody can perform. You just need to be healthy and you need to be willing — that’s all.

Recently, I have even spent my donation time in prayer as I lay there, praying that God will use the blood cells to heal, nourish, and protect the recipient who receives my blood. As a believer in Christ, I believe my blood will have, not only the scientific and medical impact, that is desired, but the additional, more powerful spiritual impact that is life changing.

My wife’s ER and hospital trip yesterday was the first time I have personally benefited from our nation’s blood supply. And while I knew blood donations were a good thing, I am now an even stronger advocate because my family has benefited from the actions and sacrifice (time and the pain of a needle stick) of dedicated donors.

What I want to do is educate and encourage others out there to give blood on a very regular basis. The “bang for the buck” for the donor is huge. There aren’t too many other single acts that you can do where 30-45 minutes of your time and inconvenience can truly save someone else’s life.

If you aren’t currently giving blood, it is because you are A) – not healthy (or eligible) or B) – not willing. And while I cannot do anything to help you with A, I can definitely encourage and challenge you on B. We are all busy in our lives (one of the most common reasons for not donating). But put yourself or a loved one in the hospital and position as a recipient and it changes that perspective now, doesn’t it. I would hope you would MAKE the time to donate with that perspective in your head.

If you are afraid of needles or the pain (another common reason people don’t donate), again, put yourself or a loved one in the hospital and in the position as a recipient. The small, minor inconvenience of a needle stick sure looks pretty wimpy when you project it against a child cancer patient, an anemic pregnant mother, or a traffic accident victim. I know you might be afraid — I was when I first started giving blood. My only fear was of needles. And I forced myself to get over that (unreasonable) fear by donating blood. Again and again. While I don’t cherish the physical process of drawing blood, I do cherish the opportunity to save someone’s life.

If you are unwilling because it is your own body and your own blood and you are reluctant to share, then I have nothing for you. This world is much greater than yourself and until you begin to see that, nothing I say can help and I will not waste my time. Blood donations are the least of your worries. Continue on living in your bubble island.

So, get out there, call your local donation center, set up an appointment, and go give of yourself so that your action can have a huge, positive impact on our community and world.

For those of you that already give blood donations routinely, THANK YOU!!!!! You had a positive impact on my wife yesterday, because that could have been your blood she received.

This has been a public service announcement.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net


  1. Mrs. Aslowerpace says:

    3 people who donated their blood kept me alive! Thank you for those souls. I encourage everyone to donate, one day it may save your life too! God bless you!

  2. Steve Wehrheim says:

    OK…..I just discovered this blog! I had no idea you guys were in this “grand experiment” and now get the whole “at a slower pace” thing. I love it. My hope is that getting out of the rat race my self will be awesome. Anyway….great post on blood donation. The last time I tried, my many trips to Africa in the last decade prevented me from doing so. I even got all my shots! The guy told me they were considering reinstating people after so many years…can’t remember how many……but I don’t see long periods of time where I will not go to Africa. Maybe I can give blood there!

    Hope recovery is still going well.
