Archive for the ‘Heroes’ Category

The blog post title does not refer to getting back to work because today is Monday and most people depart from the weekend to get back to their day jobs. It is a nod towards yesterday’s Father’s Day. You see, all those accolades, thank you’s, love, acknowledgement and all around gratitude is usually a result of effort, toil, tough love, leadership, hard decisions, life lessons, and discipline that make up a good dad’s life. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are also the throwing of the baseball, the swimming with the kids, the building of sofa cushion forts and what not. But the nuts and bolts of it is hard, determined, consistent work that usually goes unnoticed and unappreciated…..until about 20 years later.

So this post is an encouragement for all dads and fathers to put away the cards and gifts from yesterday and get back to the tough, but most important job of raising your kids. You cannot and must not fail at this task. Put it at the top of your “to do” list — both at home AND at work. It is a huge challenge but I know you are up to it.

Now get out there and be engaged, loving and accountable in leading your family.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Spending the next 2 minutes and 41 seconds to watch this video will probably be one of the best things you will spend your time on today. Guys, fathers, dads — man up and click on the vid.

This video was played during the intro to last night’s message at church. It was extremely impactful – both this video and the sermon which is why I choose the blog post title I did. The message cut deep to a man’s heart and challenged him to do the things he needs to do to lead his family in a Godly way.

The link is not on their website yet. However, I am posting the general sermon list link and highly encourage you to either watch it online or download their sermon podcasts.

And to my own Dad…..Happy Father’s Day! Thanks for all you have done that was invisible, gone unnoticed or was behind the scenes. Those were probably some of the most impactful decisions and actions you had.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Today is my folks’ 45th anniversary. I shouldn’t have to write anything else about it. The number should say it all. With a large number of marriages these days choosing divorce, I am in admiration of couples that can begin to quantify their marriage in multiples of decades. THAT is dedication. THAT is true love. THAT is taking the marriage vow and covenant seriously.

And I am lucky because of their commitment to stay together. Not only as a child – to have the security, consistency, reliability and stability of a loving two parent home. But also as an adult as a model for marriage, love, commitment and fortitude.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! May your marriage union continue to be blessed, upheld and centered in Christ.

For those who are having trouble in their marriage and hope to see a 45th anniversary some day, here are a few resources:

Fireproof – The Movie

Fireproof Couple Resources

Fireproof Your Marriage

Marriage 911

Christian Counseling of Mansfield

Focus on the Family – Free Marriage Booklets

Crosswalk Christian Resources

Christian Marriage Today

Marriage Rocks

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Today is the 66th anniversary of D-Day — the Allied invasion of Normandy. It was the beginning of the end for the Reich. The beginning of hope for so many. The beginning of a hellish day, week, month or time on the European continent for Allied soldiers. Many would not make it back. And we have so much to thank them for. The world as we know it would be severely different if the evil fascist dictators stayed in power to ply their wicked plans.

I was lucky enough to shake hands with some WWII veterans during one of my business trips a few weeks ago. These are very humble men who discount their courage, honor, struggle, and sacrifice. They are giants in my eyes and definitely one of the greatest generations who lived and served.

Thanks to those WWII vets, especially those who sacrificed 66 years ago.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

A great one passed away today. John Wooden, may you rest in peace and cherish the positive impact you had on many, whether through education, sports or life itself.

There are many good Wooden quotes out there, but I think this one is my favorite.

“Material possessions, winning scores, and great reputations are meaningless in the eyes of the Lord, because He knows what we really are and that is all that matters.”

And why is it that when someone of questionable character dies, it is plastered all over the media? But when a solid citizen, coach, husband and leader dies, you have to hunt for the story. Our society’s focus is completely out of whack.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Today is a very special day. While Thanksgiving and 4th of July are my favorite holidays in terms of celebration, Easter and Memorial Day are the most hallowed holidays because of the significance and sacrifice they represent.

The saying goes — “Only two people have ever died for you — Jesus Christ died for your sins, and the American soldier died for your freedom.”

And so today I pledge to make this more than just a day off of work. More than a three day weekend. More than being on the lake. More than store sales and shopping. More than hot dogs and ice cream. More than picnics with the family. More than a Facebook status. More than just flying my flag at half staff.

And so I took the family to a local Memorial Day flag ceremony. There were several in our local area and we decided to go to the one at the Patriots Peace Memorial which began at noon. There was a decent gathering of people to show support. Veterans in uniform were present to preside and participate in the ceremony. I felt very good about the people there and that my family was there as an act of public support as well as for my kids to see how important it is to give back to your country and community. I pushed both K and D out of their shells and encouraged them each to go up to any two uniformed personnel and to shake their hand and say thank you.

The ceremony was respectful, honorable, ritualistic and heartfelt. During the ceremony, two additional names were enshrined into the memorial — Private Adrien Augustin and Petty Officer 2nd Class Monica Beacham. Both died while serving our country in uniform and their loved ones were presented the glass bricks which bear their names to be placed into the memorial. The bagpipes played “Amazing Grace” as they all walked into the memorial. Finally, “Taps” was bugled out to end the ceremony.

This was the first time I had ever taken the time out of my Memorial Day to actually visit a ceremony (I am ashamed to say it). It will now be a part of my honoring ritual every year to show respect for those living and dead who have sacrificed in serving our great country. I would encourage every one of you to put down the hot dog and put aside the shopping trips to go out of your way and find a local ceremony to attend. It means much to those uniformed servicefolk who selflessly serve day in and day out to protect our country and way of life.

Thank you to all those in uniform who have sacrificed and died while serving this land!

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I don’t know where I stumbled across this image, but it sure is funny…..and true!

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I worked a half day today and then made my way to the airport for a quick business trip to South Dakota. I’ll be here for around 48 hours and then make my way back to the family.

As I parked this afternoon in the gorgeous sunshine, I walked from the long term parking to the terminal. Before I entered the building I noticed a pretty blond young lady all dressed up. She had a huge smile on her face and I could see why. She was arm in arm with her camoflauged uniformed lover who obviously had just returned from serving our country. Others from the family escorted the happy couple and it brought a smile to my face to see such a joyous sight. So often on the news we see violence or hear of attacks against our soldiers. It is a precious moment to see them return home after a hard mission into their loved ones arms, hugs and smiles. The scene touched me and started my journey off right.

Fast forward to my arrival in Sioux Falls, SD. I meandered my way through the small airport towards ground transportation and baggage claim. When I exited security, a gaggle of people with signs, flags and red, white and blue shirts eagerly awaited a loved one. He happened to be on my flight and behind me. They all went crazy when he came into their sight. I stood to the side and just took in the scene. Kids hugged the man, uncles and aunts shaking hands, a wife/girlfriend kissing, and proud parents embracing. It was truly another scene to be remembered and brings a smile to my face as I write this.

Please take a moment to remember our military folks who are selflessly serving our country right now. Pray that they all may return to such beautiful celebrations of love and excitement.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Last night I was lucky enough to attend a very nice dinner event hosted at a local large church (Northside Christian) in New Albany, Indiana. It was a continuing of a Desire to Inspire series put on by a local Chick-Fil-A franchise who is taking to heart the Chick-Fil-A mission “To glorify God by being a faithful steward to all that has been entrusted to us, and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.

How cool is that for a company to have that kind of a mission…..and for a franchisee to take it to heart for action?

Their most recent dinner program was last year and included a motivational speech by Tony Dungee. Too bad I didn’t know about the series or I would have taken my wife to that one.

Last night’s program had Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy who you probably know better as the real life couple from the movie The Blind Side and who I highlighted back in this post. They were very good public speakers and played off each other very well. One funny part was the fact that Chick-Fil-A was hosting the event. There was a Chick-Fil-A basket with all sorts of prizes in it that was on the front of the stage wrapped up to be used as a door prize. Sean Tuohy, who is a Taco Bell franchise owner, grabbed the basket, hid it behind an object on the stage while saying “This thing makes me kinda nervous”.

The rest of the night was littered with funny comments by both Sean and Leigh Anne. You can feel the passion they have towards community outreach and helping others. Leah Anne repeated multiple times that what youth need is “a little love, a little hope, and a little opportunity”. She also encouraged folks to get out there and do something. They didn’t necessarily have to go out and adopt a 6 foot 6 inch, 350 pound, black kid. They can find needs right in their community and right in front of them. And it doesn’t necessarily need to mean adoption. And it doesn’t necessarily need to mean writing a check…..although we need those too. The bottom line is that we need to get out in the streets, in the community, and in the world to have a positive impact.

Another quote from Leigh Anne resonated with several of us who attended — “You want my advice on how to make a difference in someone’s life? Just do something. And do it well.”

It was also an interesting evening because it was a year ago on a Thursday night that the Tuohy family was with Michael Oher while he was awaiting news of his placement in the NFL draft. And as we all know he was a #1 draft pick for the Baltimore Ravens.

The night was a great time for me to spend with friends listening to some great role models. Hopefully, the program will spur lots of discussion, ideas and action, not only from me and my little group, but from all of those who attended.

Additionally, coming up is another Chick-Fil-A sponsored event — Leadercast – Be The One — on May 7. Take a look at the link — I think it is something that would be worth your time.

I have added links above but I think it is valuable to call them out individually below.

earlier Blind Side post

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Frequently, I blog about events or scenes from my drive in to work. These scenes or topics can be as varied as beautiful sunrises to turkeys strutting for females in an open field.

This morning was different. As I traveled along the Gene Snyder after crossing the 65 I noticed sign after sign along the side of the freeway. These signs were spaced 100-300 yards apart and went for 5-6 miles. Needless to say, there were a lot of signs. It was very cool and an impressive sight.

The signs had an American flag or ribbon on them and said:

Welcome Home to

The 19th Engineers!!!

We missed you!

To the 19th Engineers returning to Ft Knox…..welcome home and THANK YOU for your service to our country.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net