Archive for the ‘Sunrise/sunset’ Category

In the weekly Bible study and accountability group I go to, a friend of mine was discussing the book he is currently reading, C.S. Lewis’s “The Screwtape Letters“. The premise of the book is a senior demon mentoring a lower demon on all the ways to corrupt a person and keep them from a relationship with God. One of the letters describes a way for them to get people to think about God in an untouchable, historical, “white robe and sandals” form rather than all around us.

Our conversation then took us to ways that God is all around us — in acts of kindness and compassion, in nature, in beautiful things we see, in other people. We shared how some scenes in nature bring us closer to God. I call these “nature triggers”. They can be a gorgeous sunrise/sunset, the majestic mountains, the breeze through the trees, or the rays of sunlight poking through the clouds. All of these should remind us of the wonderful Creator who made all these for His glory. And each time we see them it should prompt us to ponder Him.

Which leads me to the picture below. It was posted by a friend on Facebook and, even though it was a picture and I did not experience this “live”, it was a “nature trigger” for me in its beauty.

I wish you many “nature triggers” this weekend and the coming week. God is truly all around us.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

I ran around crazy this morning looking for one of the four digital cameras that reside in our house just so I could capture this morning’s sunrise. The picture doesn’t do it justice. It was an orange ball penetrating the green tree canopy capped by a blue morning sky.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

This morning’s sunrise wake up call was utterly spectacular. I snapped a cellphone picture of it but a friend posted this picture on Facebook and it blew away my dinky cell pix so I am stealing it.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

This is what bid us goodbye this evening.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that I enjoy my country drive to work. Whether going to work or coming home, it is a decompressing time that allows me to soak up God’s creation whether it is gorgeous outside, raining, cold and snowy, or picturesque. There is so much for me to look around and ponder. To see His creativity. And if I am aware and observant, there is always something neat around me.

This morning was no different. I was about 3 miles from the house when, out of the corner of my eye from the direction of the rising sun, I see a brown bird flying at a 45 degree angle towards the car. I figured it was a hawk…..until it got closer. Then it began flapping its wings frantically. It seems that the female turkey hen didn’t want to hit (or get hit by) my car driving along the country road. She barely cleared me and I leaned forward to look out and up the windshield to see this large hen 3-4 feet above my car.

Once clear, she stopped flapping and resumed her glide into the trees and away from harm. All I could say was “Cool!”.

An even better drive was last Thursday. It was a day after the full moon and it was hanging low in the western sky brilliantly beaming out against the clear morning sky. As it descended, it got bigger — just like it does when it rises. In itself, it was a beautiful picture.

And then I looked in the rear view mirror to see the glazing ball of orange rise across the Kentucky countryside. I literally could get both glowing balls into my field of view as I looked ahead at the moon while the rising morning sun was in my rear view mirror. As I changed course down the highway while there were no cars around, I literally could turn my head back and forth, east to west, sun to moon to capture a truly amazing rare sight.

It only lasted a few minutes and I felt like I was a witness to one of God’s nature creation secrets. I wonder how many others were able to enjoy that morning gift last week.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

It has been a while since I have posted about my morning commute drive in. And this morning I have reason to write — it was truly spectacular. It started off with the big orange ball right above the horizon. Except the big orange ball I am referring to is the full moon. It was suspended just above the stick treeline, its orange luminescent sphere radiating against the dark blue western sky. It was so beautiful that I had to call home to let the Mrs. in on the beauty of God’s creation this morning.

A few miles after spotting the lunar scenery I passed by two ponds that are a part of my every day commute. A wispy mist hung above the ponds and on one of them I spotted a lone white swan. Again, another beautiful example of God’s creation this morning.

And further into work as I cruised along the Gene Snyder freeway I was glowed by another ball of orange, this time to the east in the form of the rising sun. It slowly elevated so as to illuminate the day which was off to a very fine start.

I pray that you were able to stop for a moment and marvel at the beauty of God’s creation all around each one of us. If not, don’t wait until tomorrow morning. Start now.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

The sunset this evening was very pretty and a book end to the day, especially because I capture this morning’s beautiful sunrise.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

Good morning! This Kentucky sunrise literally just happened minutes ago and is still unfolding before my eyes. Today is our God and family day and I can’t wait to soak it all up. It is going to be spectacular. I hope the same for you.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

This is the beautiful scene that unfolded this morning in front of me as I ate breakfast during my morning devotions. I am predicting a great weekend. It’s Valentine’s Day Sunday, a 3 day weekend, family night tonight, and NASCAR starts at Daytona too!

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

While I was busy eating my breakfast and reading a fishing article in the recent “Field and Stream”, my wife made a comment that made me look up. She said “That is beautiful”. I looked up to realize she was referring to the impending sunrise, not me.

It was still darkish. The ground and trees still bled together in a black silouette. However, you could see the grey fog layer hovering above the pasture. Breaking through the trees was a yellowish orange band that graduated into a cyan middle layer. This was similar in color to the bright cyan ink cartridge you put into your inkjet printer. Usually it ends there with the cyan slowly blending into the dark upper part of the sky. But this morning there was a higher band of clouds that reflected back a bright pink magenta. The brilliant layering effect of multiple colors and shades was very impressive. God and nature continue to impress me.

…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net

By the way, I didn’t post on Easter because I took it off like most other places around here. I hope it was enjoyable for you and yours.