As with most people this time of year, I have set some goals for 2012. One of them I posted about here — my 2012 book list. Well, I am happy to already claim my first milestone — last night I finished the first book on my list, Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Revisited. This book was first because I should have been reading it in parallel with our attendance at FPU at church (Financial Peace University). Well we finished the class right before the holidays and now I have completed the book. And last night my wife and I also had our first household budget meeting for 2012 — with no issues. It went smoothly and was 20 minutes well spent. We are prepared for January and now just need to follow our written plan.
Bring on 2012! I’m ready for more success and goal completion!
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
A Slower Pace » Blog Archive » My 2012 personal book list….. says:
[…] that refer to the list or books Early goal success….. 2012 action….. Doing quote….. Moving forward, but falling […]
March 21, 2012, 1:14 pm