I don’t follow college sports. There were rare times when it might grab my attention for a game or two. UCLA vs. USC back in California usually did that and I might catch part of a game. Certain Rose Bowls did that. In fact, I attended the 1992 Rose Bowl and rooted for the victorious University of Washington Huskies and ended up on ESPN that night while spending after game time at coach Don James’ hotel suite. But as far as college sports go, I am usually a fair weather fan or Johnny come lately.
However, as bowl or tournament season heats up I will definitely root for local teams. I was very proud of the University of Kentucky Wildcats last year for winning the NCAA basketball tournament and walking away champions. And I was rooting for both Western Kentucky University and University of Louisville as they entered March madness. And for U of L to be playing tonight and vying for the championship is pretty cool. So, of course, I am on board rooting the Cards. Both mens AND ladies basketball teams. THAT is a pretty big deal!

So go Cards!!! I’ll be asleep at the time of tip off but I hope you come out victorious.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on April 8, 2013 at 9:46 am under Kentucky Life.
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The only One who can truly satisfy the human heart
is the One who made it.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on April 4, 2013 at 2:32 pm under Quotes, Spiritual.
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Before I get into my story, if you don’t know the background of the Jesus Card — go here.
As I drove to work this morning, I was in a groove listening to my local Christian radio station, WJIE. I was about halfway to work when I noticed a small car on the side of the freeway up ahead. As I passed, I noticed the truck open with the spare tire out and a young lady sitting in the driver’s seat. I was moved to act and exited at the next offramp so I could go back around and help her out. On my way back on the other side, I noticed a guy in a pickup truck on the shoulder with the same predicament. I made a mental note and decided to come back to him after I helped out the young lady. God was giving me lots of opportunity this morning.
The small car was parked in the wedge of land between the freeway and the offramp and she had pulled way over to the side. This made me happy because it was very safe and gave lots of room to safely pull over. I approached her car, she rolled the window down and I asked her if I could do anything to help her. With the spare tire out, I figured she didn’t have enough strength to either jack the car up or loosen the lug nuts. Unfortunately, it was neither. She had some very nice custom wheels but did not have the lug tool key. She had called AAA and was waiting for them to arrive. Unable to offer any physical assistance, I switched my speech to making sure she felt safe and then asking her if she knew Jesus. I handed her the Jesus card and she said she knew Him and thanked me for stopping.
I got back into my car and, as I looked back for a clearing in the freeway traffic so I could merge safely I noticed a huge gap — which was created by the AAA flatbed truck arriving. I laughed at God’s timing and jumped into the gap which allowed the tow truck to inhabit my spot. God’s perfect timing. And it brought a smile to my face.
I shifted gears to pickup truck guy on the other side of the freeway and down a mile. My smile turned into a hearty laugh when I saw across the median a tow truck pull in front of pickup truck guy. And while pickup truck guy wouldn’t get a Jesus card, I knew he was going to be OK.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on April 2, 2013 at 9:18 am under Serving Christ.
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The post below was half baked…..and then the pace of my very busy weekend swept me away like a tsunami and — poof — March was gone. The majority of March was an Emmaus blur — Men’s walk 141, Women’s walk 142 and REC prison walk 16. It is now April but I am posting this back on Feb 27 where I intended it to be:
I am about 72 hours into a very busy, non-stop week of constant activity. It started early Monday morning with a 6am visit to my local radio station WJIE for a stint answering the phones during their annual fundraiser Share-A-Thon. I have volunteered for a few years now and always find it fulfilling and fun. They are a great local ministry resource and I am humbled they let me get involved physically and financially. After doing that for 2 hours I had to hit my day job to pay the bills. That was exciting because there was still spillover elation from a product launch that occurred Friday. The FDA had approved a first in class product that is basically a smart bomb for breast cancer. It is pretty cool stuff and I was blessed enough to be on the launch team. Even better was that we, as a company, were able to get product down to a patient to be dosed at UCLA who opened on a Saturday for just that event!
Immediately after work I headed up to an evening formation meeting. The team I am a part of is preparing physically and spiritually for a prison ministry weekend at the end of March. Each week we gather to worship, pray, organize, preview talks and generally get the team ready for what God has in store for us in spreading the gospel behind bars. It is my first experience with this group and this type of ministry and, while intimidating, it has been a very inspiring and energetic process. I cannot wait to see what God has in store and what hearts will be touched.
That time was very well spent but it resulted in me getting home at 10:30pm — too late to see my family and it made for a long 17 hour day. Tuesday morning was a repeat of Monday — getting up early and out the door to make the 6am radio phone volunteer gig. Repeat the going to work without the excitement of a product launch — although every day is important when it means getting medicine to patients in need. Follow that with a weekly Scouts meeting and it made for another long follow up day to Monday. Luckily, I was home around 8:30pm when everyone was still awake so I enjoyed seeing my kids and wife.
Again, a half baked post, but that was the reality back then. And zippo posts for March, even though it was VERY rich spiritually.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on February 27, 2013 at 7:11 pm under Uncategorized.
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Back when we lived in CA we made a decision to stop watching TV news. It was always so negative. It was always so depressing. It was not reflective of what we saw in our lives or community. And it always seemed to take up 30 minutes no matter whether it was a slow news day or there was lots going on.
But every so often there are some good snippets out there. The clip below is one of them. I would watch a whole newscast if this is all they showed.
Here is a link to the article — http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_162-57570865/act-of-sportsmanship-gives-texas-high-schooler-shot-at-glory/
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on February 27, 2013 at 4:59 pm under Heroes, Links 'n Stuff.
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My wife sent this to my work email this morning. It cracked me up but also touched my heart.
Conversation last night in the car:
D: Mom I am going to be a police officer when I grow up, is that OK?
Me: Whatever you want.
D: I am asking because of dad.
Me: Dad will want you to follow your dreams.
D: But it’s going to be really really awkward when I am giving him a ticket for speeding, like 20 minutes of awkward.
Me: Then maybe you show show him some grace.
D: No mom I want him to slow down because I love him.
I guess I need to slow down. Not because my son might one day give me a ticket, but because he loves me and is concerned. That should be enough motivation for anyone.
Now, what in your world do you need to stop doing? Because Jesus loves YOU and He is concerned.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on February 26, 2013 at 9:48 am under Family.
1 Comment.
The quote below was in this last Sunday’s sermon. The series of 4 is only halfway done and already very impactful. Last week’s sermon with an illustration of our life as a mist (referring to James 4:14) really hit home the point that our time here on earth is very brief….. and what are we doing about it that will have eternal impact. What I took away from it was the only actions and decisions in my life that eternally matter aren’t my career, my house, my money, my clothes — they are my choice to accept Jesus as my Savior and my actions that point others to Jesus. Everything else is temporary to this world.
The quote I found particularly profound was:
“If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then your time on earth is the closest you will ever be to hell.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then your time on earth is the closest you’ll ever be to heaven.”
You can go watch or listen to the sermon series here — http://www.southeastchristian.org/default.aspx?page=4754&series=46.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on February 20, 2013 at 7:34 am under Church, Quotes, Spiritual.
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…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on February 16, 2013 at 10:06 am under Humor.
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God is calling you. He LOVES you!
What will your response be?
It has eternal implications.
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on February 15, 2013 at 10:01 am under Links 'n Stuff, Spiritual.
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Happy Valentines Day!!!
…..Dan at aslowerpace dot net
Posted by Dan on February 14, 2013 at 9:57 am under Links 'n Stuff, Spiritual.
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